Chat Connector Setup for ReadySuite

This BluePrint explains how to set up the following chat connectors for use in ReadySuite:

Google Takeout

The Google Takeout page enables you to create a new export. This page is available for Google Workspace accounts, as well as private Google accounts.

To set up Google Takeout chat connector for ReadySuite

  1. Log in to
  2. On the Google Takeout page, in the CREATE A NEW EXPORT section Products header, click Deselect all.

Select data to include

  1. In the Products list, locate and select Google Chat.
  2. Scroll to the end of the Products list and click Next Step.

Choose file type, frequency & destination

  1. In the Destination section, use the Transfer to drop list to choose your preferred method to locally download the export. (If you choose Send download link via email, the export is accessible on the Google Takeout page.)
  2. In the Frequency section, choose Export once.
  3. In the File type & size section, select the following:
    • File type: Select .zip.
    • File size: Select 50 GB (ReadySuite prefers a single zip file rather than multiple zip files.
  4. Click Create Export.
  5. In the Export progress section, view the status of the export. This process can possibly take hours or days.

Download the export

  1. Once complete, view the export in the YOUR EXPORTS section with the timestamp labeled Your latest export. Click Download to save the export locally.
  2. To view the current export, as well as a history of previous exports, click Manage exports . You can also download exports from the Manage exports page.
  3. If you choseSend download link via email, you will receive an email with a link to download the export locally.

Google Vault (MBOX Export)

To access the Google Vault Matters page, an account with certain privileges is required in Google Workspace. See Set up Vault privileges for more information.

To setup administrative roles required for exporting from Google Vault

  1. Open the Google Admin page and on the menu pane, click Account > Admin roles.
  2. On the Admin roles page Roles header, click Create new role.
  3. On the Role info page, enter the Name for the new role, and if you choose, a Description, then click CONTINUE.
  4. On the Select Privileges page, in the Privilege Name section, under Services > Google Vault, select the following:
    • Manage Matters
    • Manage Searches
    • Manage Exports
  5. Click CONTINUE.
  6. Review the role name and admin console privileges:
    • Services > Google Vault > Manage Matters
    • Services > Google Vault > Manage Searches
    • Services > Google Vault > Manage Export
  7. Click CREATE ROLE.
  8. On the CUSTOM ROLE page for the new role, in the Admins section menu bar, click Assign members.
  9. On the Add members page, find and select a user or security group and click ASSIGN ROLE.

The member(s) with the custom role can now create searches, create matters, and export data in Google Vault.

To set up Google Vault (MBOX Export) chat connector for ReadySuite

  1. Log in to
  2. On the Google Vault Matters page (Home > Matters) menu bar, click Create.
  3. On the Create matter dialog box, Enter a matter name and, if you choose, a Description, then click CREATE.
  4. On the Home > Matters > [matter name] page Search tab, use the Service drop list to select Chat.
  5. In the Source drop list, select All data.
  6. in the Entity drop list, select one of the following:
    • If you know the accounts you want to export, select Specific accounts, then enter the email addresses of those accounts separated by commas.
    • If you have sub organization to want to export, select Organizational unit, then use the Choose an organizational unit dialog box to select the unit with the accounts you want to export.
  7. Toggle Include messages from Chat spaces. If you choose, select any other filters you want applied to the export using Date sent and Terms.
  8. Click SEARCH.
  9. On the Search page, view the results of your chat search. (If no results are found, click EDIT QUERY and enter new search parameters.)
  10. In the Search page menu bar, click EXPORT.
  11. On the Create export dialog box: enter the following:
    • Name Enter a name for the export.
    • Data region: Select No preference.
    • Format: Select MBOX.
  12. Click Export.
  13. On the Home > Matters > [matter name] page menu bar, click EXPORTS.
  14. Once the download is available (Status: green check), click its Download button.
  15. On the Download exported files dialog box, click Download for both the .zip file and the .xml file. Both files must be downloaded to the same directory. (This will be selected as the source location in the Setup connector section on the Chat Project dialog box in ReadySuite.

Teams Purview Export (HTML)

ReadySuite only supports eDiscovery Premium (also known as Purview)

To set up Teams Purview Export (HTML) chat connector for ReadySuite

  1. Navigate the Microsoft Purview website at

Create permissions

  1. On the Microsoft Purview Home page menu pane, navigate to Roles & scopes > Permissions.
  2. On the Permissions page, locate Microsoft Purview solutions and click its Roles.
  3. On the Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions page, search for and select eDiscovery Manager.
  4. In the eDiscovery Manager pane, view the eDiscovery Manager section.
  5. In the eDiscovery Manager pane menu bar, click Edit.
  6. On the eDiscovery Manager page navigation pane, select Manage eDiscovery Administrator.
  7. On the Manage eDiscovery Administrator page, click Choose users.
  8. In the Choose users pane, select the users you want enabled to export chat data and click Select.

Create a case

  1. On the Microsoft Purview Home page menu pane, navigate to Solutions > eDiscovery > Premium.
  2. On the eDiscovery (Premium) menu bar, click Cases, then click Create a case.
  3. On the Name your case page, enter a Name for the case and in the Case format section, ensure New is selected.
  4. Note: ReadySuite only supports Teams conversations collected as HTML transcript files (no support .PST formats at this time).

  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Add team members and configure settings page Team members section, view the default settings (no other settings are specific to Teams export), and click Next.
  7. On the Review your case page, click Submit.

Create a collection

  1. On the Microsoft Purview Home page menu pane, navigate to Solutions > eDiscovery > Premium.
  2. On the eDiscovery (Premium) menu bar, click Cases, then locate and click the Name of the case you want to work with.
  3. On the eDiscovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] page menu bar, click Collections, then click New collection.
  4. On the Name and description page, enter a Name for the collection and click Next.
  5. On the Choose custodial data sources page, select the custodians you want included in the collection and click Next.
  6. On the Choose non-custodial data sources, view the default values and click Next.
  7. On the Additional locations page, choose any additional data source not associated with the custodians in the collection you want searched for chat data, as well as any additional search options, and click Next.
  8. On the Define your search page, toggle Use new query builder and do one of the following:
    • Select Query builder and in the Filters section, create Select a filter (Message kind) Select an operator (equals any of) choose value (Microsoft Teams)
    • Select KQL editor and type Kind=microsoftteams
  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Review your collection and create it page, review your settings, then click Submit.
  11. Review the New collection created page and click Done.

Create a review set

  1. On the eDiscovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] page menu bar, click Review sets, then click Add review set.
  2. On the Add review set panel, enter a Name for the review set and click Add.
  3. On the compliance dialog box, click Ok.

Commit the collection to the review set

  1. On the eDiscovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] page menu bar, click Collections and select the collection you created.
  2. On the [Collection Name] Estimated pane, click Commit collection.
  3. On the Commit items to a review set dialog box, choose Add to existing review set and select the review set created, then click Commit.
  4. View the collection on the Collections page with a Status of Adding to review set. Once it reaches a status of Committed, the collection can be exported.

Export the review set

  1. On the eDiscovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] page menu bar, click Review sets, then select the Review set you want to export.
  2. On the [review set] dialog box, click Open review set.
  3. On the eDiscovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] > [review set] page, review the data in the review set.
  4. In the Review set table menu bar, click the Action icon and select Export.
  5. On the Export options pane, enter an Export name for the export file and click Export.
  6. On the A job has been created dialog box, click OK.
  7. To view the status of the export, on the eDisovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] page menu bar, click Jobs.

Download the export

  1. On the eDiscovery (Premium) > Cases > [case name] page menu bar, click Exports. Select the export when it has a status of Successful.
  2. On the [case name] pane, select both the .zip file and the Summary and click Download.

The download Teams files (both the .zip file, or files extracted from the .zip file, and the Summary file) from can now be selected as the source location in the Setup connector section on the Chat Project screen in ReadySuite.

Direct (MS Graph API)

Contact your system administrator to obtain the Tenant ID, client ID

To set up Direct (MS Graph API) chat connector for ReadySuite

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Azure website at

Locate the Client ID and the Tenant ID

  1. On the Microsoft Azure home page, search for the App registration service.
  2. On the App registrations page menu bar, click New registration.
  3. On the Register an application page, enter a Name for the registration and click Register.
  4. On the Home > App registrations > [registration name] page, in the Essentials section, locate the following and copy both to the the ReadySuite Connector Credentials dialog box.
    • Application (client) ID: Copy to Client Id.
    • Directory (tenant) ID: Copy to Tenant Id.

Set API permissions

  1. On the Home > App registrations > [registration name] page, on the navigation pane, locate and click Manage > API permissions.
  2. On the Configured permissions page menu bar, click Add a permission.
  3. On the Request API permissions pane, click Microsoft Graph, then choose Application permissions.
  4. Select the following permissions:
    • Application.Read.All
    • Channel.ReadBasic.All
    • ChannelMember.Read.All
    • ChannelMessage.Read.All
    • Chat.Read.All
    • ChatMember.Read.All
    • ChatMessage.Read.All
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Files.Read.All
    • User.Read
    • User.Read.All
  5. Click Add permission.

Create Client Secret

  1. On the Home > App registrations > [registration name] page, on the navigation pane, locate and click Manage > Certifications & secrets.
  2. On the [registration name] | Certificates & secrets page, click New client secret.
  3. On the Add a client secret pane, enter a Description and select an expiration date (Expires), then click Add.
  4. On the [registration name] | Certificates & secrets page, locate the Secret ID of the new client secret and copy it to the Client Secret on the ReadySuite Connector Credentials dialog box.