v6.2.1 (April 2019)

The ReadySuite 6.2.1 release contains the following enhancements:

New: Create script to populate native file created & modified date properties

New: Create script to identify password protected PDFs

New: Create script to remove/replace all new lines with symbol character

New: Create 'E-Mail Tools' script category and organize scripts into category

New: Create 'Page Tools' script category and organize scripts into category

New: Add case-sensitive and remove punctuation options to hash fields script

New: Add new Boolean fields for HasText and HasPages

New: Fix potential memory leaks in print wizard

New: Update field panel to include layout customization

New: Add ability to set ReadOnly property in script API for Field items

New: Add methods to scripting API for getting and setting field data based on data types

New: Add ability to copy data from Excel and paste into grid

New: Always keep check/mark and file icon columns fixed at far left position on grid

New: Strip asterisk (*) symbol from system fields on export field name by default

Fixed: Document selection tool does not return Project selection with grid filtered

Fixed: Deleting record using grid navigator does not delete record

Fixed: Limit 'Remove Control Characters' script to text or memo fields only

Fixed: Fields saved in project generate 'ResourceError' warning on export documents process

Fixed: Bug report for InvalidOperationException on ImageWizard

Fixed: Column chooser button in ribbon does not open

Fixed: Sheet editors for print and placeholder wizards missing field picker fields

Fixed: Concordance export option in Export Documents shows blank field list for DocId link

Fixed: Grid checkbox columns require multiple clicks to edit

Fixed: Grid checkbox shows indeterminate state for user created fields

Fixed: TextLevel column not indicating PDF text flag status