v6.5.0 (April 2020)

The ReadySuite 6.5.0 release contains the following enhancements:

New: Add ability to import as load files field data from Excel Worksheets

New: Add mass action to assign native links from a field in grid column menu

New: Add mass action to assign text links from a field in grid column menu

New: Add mass action to assign page information from a field in grid column menu

New: Add mass action to assign group & family data from a field in grid column menu

New: Add RelativityOne as separate version in Relativity platform picker

New: Add RelativityOne support for Juniper release

New: Update Relativity 10.3 to last version supported

New: Keep Relativity session alive and remember last credentials used between operations

New: Add config setting to disable 'KeepSessionAlive' for Relativity platform

New: Support 'Set Links' option for loading Relativity images and product sets

New: Pre-populate data paths for Native and Text fields in Delimited & Excel load file imports

New: Settings UI dialog rebuilt to match modern ReadySuite interface

New: Added setting to UI to specify share location for loading network scripts

New: Added setting to UI to disable new document window on row double-click

New: Added 'OverrideNetworkScriptsPath' setting to readysuite.exe.config to force share location for network scripts

New: Removed requirement for 'Scripts' folder at root for network share path

New: Allow scripts to be pulled from subdirectories instead of top level only

New: Notify user of invalid script files on startup and library reload

New: Add method to rename fields via script API

New: Modify 'Convert Time Zone' script to support date format picker

New: Add 'Browse to' script location for script browser

New: Disable folder browser fallback to classic dialog – always use enhanced folder browse dialog

Fixed: Method TryGetFieldData not returning expected data for System scoped fields

Fixed: Duplicate_ID value in script 'Find Duplicate Documents' wrong for first instance of dupe

Fixed: Opening folder dialog on Export Documents shrinks entire UI

Fixed: UI may shrink when clicking 'Browse' on folder browse dialogs