v7.2.0 (August 2021)

The ReadySuite 7.2.0 release contains the following enhancements:

New: Add ReadySuite Headless Mode (CLI)

New: Performance and UI changes for Import Images wizard

New: Performance and UI changes for Import Text wizard

New: Performance and UI changes for Import Native wizard

New: Add option to 'Calculate Sizes' to Data Summary dialog

New: OCR Engine update from v19 to v21

New: Add option to turn toggle immediate filter actions on grid

New: Add 'X-RSMF-EventCount' header to RSMF file output

New: Modify script packs to allow a single script in a pack.

New: Add Choice Field Count to the scripted field library

New: Add Combine Paths to the scripted field library

New: Modify 'Merge Field Choices' script to enable choice sorting

Fixed: Percentages in format '100%' are being converted to decimal values from Excel

Fixed: Read-only fields shown in Batch Edit field selection

Fixed: Skipped columns on importing Excel with duplicate column names

Fixed: Field with period in name causes error in Field Panel display

Fixed: Fields are not displayed on the document grid after overlaying another file

Fixed: Platform version selection dialog not shown for Relativity

Fixed: Renaming field in Field Setup does not allow the previous field name to be reused

Fixed: Launching script editor may cause error in application

Fixed: Not all fields shown on Document Grid when running import multiple times

Fixed: Error reloading fields from profile in Relativity platform

Fixed: Data Summary dialog does not calculate resource file sizes

Fixed: Issue when opening main application options dialog