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Compiled.EDD.Scripting Namespace

This namespace contains scripting components available for use in ReadySuite.
Public classCustomReportRow
Represents a custom item that can be reported on. Not intended to be created outside of a ScriptReport instance.
Public classDocumentItem
Represents an item in ReadySuite. Contains a collection of field data, PageItem's, TextItem's and NativeItem.
Public classFieldContainerT
FieldContainer is responsible for executing a scripted field assigned a FieldItem.
Public classFieldContext
Public classFieldItem
Represents a field that can hold data for a DocumentItem.
Public classFieldItemAttribute
Specifies the settings for a FieldItem when used withScriptOptions. These settings can limit the field creation and fields available in the ScriptOptions.
Public classFieldSetItem
Represents a set or collection of FieldItem
Public classFindAndReplaceItem
Represents a single entry for a find/replace action.
Public classFolderPathEditor
UI editor for browsing or selecting a folder path. Use with a ScriptOptions instance to allow a user to assign a folder path to an option property.
Public classNativeItem
Represents a native file link path to a DocumentItem.
Public classNotNullOrEmptyCollectionAttribute
Validation attribute for not null or empty collections used with ScriptOptions.
Public classPageItem
Represents an individual page file link path in a DocumentItem.
Public classProjectItem
Represents a project.
Public classRequiredIfAttribute
Provides conditional validation based on a related property value when used with ScriptOptions.
Public classResourceFileItem
Represents a base resource/file pertaining to a DocumentItem.
Public classSaveFileNameEditor
UI editor for browsing or selecting a folder path. Use with a ScriptOptions instance to allow a user to assign a folder path to an option property.
Public classScriptAttribute
Script attributes assigned to a script. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classScriptAuthor
Represents author information for a script.
Public classScriptAuthorAttribute
Assigns related author metadata to the script. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classScriptCategoryReport
Represents a report intended to show categories of data when used in a ScriptContainer.
Public classScriptContainer
ScriptContainer is responsible for hosting and running a script module.
Public classScriptContext
Provides the context for performing available actions within a ScriptContainer.
Public classScriptGuidAttribute
Assigns a unique identifier to the script. This class cannot be inherited.
Public classScriptMessageEventArgs
Contains information about a log message event during script execution.
Public classScriptOptions
Represents a base class intended to be extended for setting available options in a ScriptContainer.
Public classScriptProgressEventArgs
Contains information about progress on a Document action in a script.
Public classScriptReport
Represents a base class intended to be extended for showing an execution report from a ScriptContainer.
Public classScriptTextReport
Represents a report intended to show only text data when used in a ScriptContainer.
Public classScriptUtil
Contains helpful utilities that can be used by scripts.
Public classScriptWarningEventArgs
Contains information about a warning message event during script execution.
Public classTextItem
Represents an individual text file link path in a DocumentItem.
Public interfaceIChoiceFieldItem
Interface to manage the choices on a FieldItem.
Public interfaceIContainer
Interface to represent a container used to execute scripts.
Public interfaceIFieldContainerT
Interface to represent a script scoped to a single FieldItem.
Public interfaceIFieldContainerBase
Base interface to represent a script scoped to a single FieldItem.
Public interfaceIFieldContext
Public interfaceIScriptContainer
Interface to represent a script scoped to a DocumentItem set.
Public interfaceIScriptContext
Defines the actions available to a script within a IScriptContainer.
Public enumerationChoiceFieldItemType
Specifies the type of choice field.
Public enumerationContainerType
Specifies the container type of a script.
Public enumerationFieldItemLevel
Indicates the field level source in a DocumentItem.
Public enumerationFieldItemScope
Indicates the creation scope of a FieldItem.
Public enumerationFieldItemType
Indicates the data type of a FieldItem.
Public enumerationFieldSetItemType
Indicates the type of a FieldSetItem.
Public enumerationProgressAction
Specifies actions performed on a document for progress events.
Public enumerationProjectItemType
Indicates the type of a ProjectItem.
Public enumerationScriptProgressItem
Specifies items that are reported on for progress related events.
Public enumerationScriptProgressMode
Specifies if progress is updated automatically in the ScriptContainer or if the script author has manually implement progress updates.